Welcome to VetraSpec!

You are seeing this message because you entered an invalid VetraSpec URL. You should have received a custom URL to login to your VetraSpec instance. Please make sure you entered the correct URL for your login page.

State Clients
Your URL will be in the form "https://st.vetraspec.tylerapp.com", where "st" is your state abbreviation.
County Clients
Your URL will be in the form "https://county-st.vetraspec.tylerapp.com", where "county" is the name of your county, and "st" is your state abbreviation.
Legal Firms, Service Organizations, and Other Clients
Your URL will be in the form "https://name.vetraspec.tylerapp.com", where "name" is the name (or an abbreviation) of your organization. If your organization is associated with a state (e.g. American Legion) then instead use the form "https://name-st.vetraspec.tylerapp.com".

If you do not know or cannot find your URL, please contact support at FD-VetraSpecSupport@tylertech.com.